Monday, June 29, 2009

gah! update! sorry!

i am sooooooo sorry guys!

i've been pretty busy as of late. let's begin with:
school ended. summer started. now single. helped with a photo shoot. made some vlogs with my friend anthony. made a trailer for a new mini-series with anthony. went to the renaissance fair both days. the first day it was anthony, desi, my sister, and me. the second day it was just anthony and me. i bought stuff for my sister and my dad. drank some orgasmic root beer. got my palm read. watched belly dancer, jousting, acting, people sing and play instruments, i dressed up (for the first day at least), ate great food, aaaaand....yeah. woot woot!

in other news, my friend alex is coming from montana today!!!! oooooohhhhh meeeeeehhhhh gaaaaaaahhhhhhd! lmao. i haven't seen her for over a year, and i usually get to see her at least 2-3 times a year. so i'm pretty fricken excited. this also means that i can finally give her her christmas presents -.- lmao. she was supposed to come over for christmas but couldn't because the passes were closed. stupid snow D:

what else......hmmmm.....
i'm not sure really. i guess i'll just have to update more later.
well, until next time my little lovelies!!!!

bai bai

p.s. pictures from the fair:

1 comment:

  1. when was the fair?!?!?!?
    I can't believe I missed it.... =(
    this is the first time in like four years
